Monday, February 25, 2008

Hillary's Phony Fits of Rage

Did you catch the press conference HRC held on Saturday to express her "outrage" at mailers sent out by the Obama campaign about her health care policy and tying her to NAFTA?

Well in case you missed it, let me save you the trouble of hunting it down by sharing the fact that the mailers are actually several weeks old and she knew about them and complained about them in Wisconsin as well. The only difference is now she is apparently listening to the members of her campaign (thinking Mark Penn) who have told her that by going out and acting like she is really pissed that somehow this will snap everyone into place behind her.

Now fast forward to today HRC want on a rant in which she basically tried again to paint all of Obama's rhetoric and the people following it as being naive and delusional and unable to see what is really possible since they are all lacking her real wold experience and understanding.

While I have tried to not let me preferences color my posts to frequently I have to say I find this all to be really insulting. As someone who has followed events and studied policy and history since before I could even read I challenge the assertion that I can't tell the difference between reality and fantasy... after all, I can see the difference between a health plan that has a chance because it doesn't include attempts at mandates that have doomed proposals in the past. I can also see that taking a greater position of communication with countries we have had issues with will not only lead to a reduction in potential conflict, but also allow for greater opportunities for cooperation and growth with friends and traditional foes alike.

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