Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Myanmar's Katrina and Hypocrisy

It is stunning to see that at least 22,000 people died over the weekend in Myanmar in a cyclone that has many similarities to Hurricane Katrina.

Much like here, the government failed to do what was necessary to warn the citizens and has been slow to accept food, medical, and disaster aid from the outside world.

However, this tragedy has also brought us a monumental dose of chutzpah coming from the Bush administration.

Yesterday, they sent out Laura Bush to complain about the slow response by Myanmar's government as well as to complain that the government won't let disaster assessment and recovery teams in to do their work.

All of this comes from an administration that watched the news for 5 days before getting help to the people in New Orleans and who flew over the top of one of America's great cities and did nothing.

Clearly, Laura was sent out because she would seem the least controversial on the subject, but at the end of the day, this hypocrisy and stagecraft is why America and the world can't wait to get rid of the Bush's

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